Things To Do If You Want to Earning Online From Affiliate Marketing

What to do when starting an Affiliate Business or Plan to be an Affiliate Marketing. WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU WANT TO START EARNING ONLINE (From Affiliate Program)
What to do when you want to start earning online

I. Choose a Niche (Business Theme)

it could be Health, Technology, Crafting, DIY, and much more out there). In choosing a niche, here is a couple of thing you have to consider.
How to sell in affiliate program

A. Trend or Market

Watch Trends on google trends to find out what's really most wanted topic or Niche at current time. Or Take a Look at the market what people most wanted. Like an example : In this pandemic moment, it might be Self Protecting Gear

B. Ticket Size

Pick product that relatively Highly paid but with high converting. Most of highly converted products are low in ticket size, which mean they have cheap prices. And contrary with it, a less converted product usually have more expensive price. So.. organize a small research, which niche mostly have product between those two opposites statement.

C. Payment Form

There are two kinds form of payment that i know available on this business. Single Paid and Recurrence paid. Choose a niche who has more product with recurrent payment rather than a single one.

II. Find and Choose Affiliate Program

There are many affiliate program available in this world, choose where you want to build your affiliate Business. For this, there are several point you have to consider,
How to sell in affiliate marketing

A. Affiliate Targeting (CPA, Leads, Sales)

Even there are so many affiliate program available, not all of them use the same form of targeting;
1. CPA (Cost Per Action)
There are affiliate program who use this as one of their target, with just directing your leads to entering their credit card info (as payment term in the target campaign), or taking a trial version of the product, you already have the commission. One of those affiliate program that i know use this method is Maxbounty
2. Leads
This targeting type is similar to CPA, the difference is just in leads, you have to direct your leads to submit their email, zip code or may be just a phone number. By doing is, you already get your commission. Example for this type is (still) Maxbounty - there are might be other affiliate program offered this type besides maxbounty, but until now i only knows this -
3. Sales
For this type, i believe all of the affiliate program exist today, had this type of program. Because sales is what really is affiliate program made for. I use two more besides Maxbounty, which is Clickbank and Jvzoo

B. Country Availability

Not every affiliate program is accessible for every country in the world, because their partner who use their service, is originated from certain country or product which can't be sold to every country in the world.

C. Payment Channel (Wired Transfer, WU, Paypal, etc)

You better consider this type really carefully, once you made the wrong choice, it might be become your regret for your lifetime, because no matter how big is your commission, if you choose the wrong ones (choosing channel that doesn't exist in your country or maybe like Bank Account that you don't have)

III. The final step is Promoting or Creating campaign.

Make your post on a blog you manage yourself or other independent platform such as Medium, LinkedIN or Quora

You can do this step, by creating campaign through two different way.
Tis for Newbie Affiliate Marketer

1.  Create your own Blog or Website

Build a blog page or website which compile every articles related to your chosen niche. We can separate this part also by two kinds, Free or Paid one
If you already have some cash to invest, it's much better if you Build a website with your own domain, therefore, it will be much easier for you to optimize your  on-page SEO

But, if you start it with low on budget, you can try just like what i do now. I use free platform to create post or article to promote the campaign. There are many of them out there in the internet, just pick one that suites you. Two major hosting is Blogger and Wordpress

2.Use other platform who accept User Generated Content
such as Medium, Warrior Forum, or Quora. And also you can use video posted platform such as youtube, vimeo and so on.

After All those step you have done, the final step is publish and share as much as you can, you could share to an online group, or you can use ads to maximize you campaign. For ada promoting I recommend you use Viral Trafic Booster.

Then.., just wait and create much more campaign to maximize your earning

*If there is any sales made from this article, The Blog author will get some commission from it, to grow this blog for a better

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