Nowadays, There are many Online income sources spread out in the world, with many types and models, because todays world have turn into one unite world without any boundaries, everyone could meet or hangout with anothers in a new world called digital world, where i in Asia could talk or discuss with you all from other part of the world, might be from US, Europe or maybe Africa
Along with it, this digital world has evolve becomes a fully world such as our daily lives, you can shopped there, had a play ground (through an online games) and much other. Just some basic functions that we can't get on this digital world, like eat, getting married and making love. Even some near to it, you can get there, such as Video Call Sex and some other relate it...
The other thing which also rose in a few years earlier is income sources, and today there might more people who lived with online income rather than 9 to 5 daily jobs. With some fact, in this era there are many children who has millions dollar income from youtube or any other video platforms, this is hugely different than decades before, when a child just go to school or play around
Besides Video platform, there are also paid survey, that can give you an income, I remember about 15 years ago when i was in college, i used to be one of the interviewer for the Market Research Company, but now as you may know, these kind of survey already made online..
I can't imagine if i still worked there, I might have loose my job now. With the rise of the applications itself, there also a huge amount of research grew to make sure the UX or User Experience has reach the standard of customer experience, so the company who provides those kind of applications needs a fredback about their apps.
And this, becomes new income source for all of us as a user for those applications. With just write a review about the application, we'll get some money from the app review company, and this could be a huge sum of money if you had much review write on.
On this type of income, there a two kind,
1. Paid
2. Unpaid
On the Paid kind, you have to pay for the registration process and this usually don't cost to much, and what you get from it, usually bigger than the unpaid one. While on the unpaid, you are able to enroll the program with no registration at all, but the function or benefits migh have some limitations in it.
If you want to try one of this write review income source, you can click this link and have a look, I believe you may love this.
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